Search: Articles

  1. Letters to the Editor Issue 260

    Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the Law + Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus + New Treatment Triggers Self-Destruction of Pancreatic Cancer Cells + Magnesium Sulphate In...more

  2. Letters to the Editor Issue 271

    Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization and COVID Resolution - Impressive Anecdotal Results + “A COVID Pill By Autumn” But Why Not Vitamin C? + NTU Singapore Study Investigates Link Between ...more

  3. Letters to the Editor Issue 291

    Over Half of Brits may have High Cholesterol. Will Ending ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Testing Add to the Problem? + Aberdeen University Cancels Vitamin C Study in Care Homes + Estimating Gast...more

  4. Letters to the Editor Issue 295

    Global Wellness Summit Announces Co-chairs for November Conference in St Andrews, Scotland + Scientists Discover Higher Levels of CO2 Increase Survival of Viruses in the Air and Tra...more

  5. Letters to the Editor Issue 299

    Chronic Stress Accelerates Colorectal Cancer Progression + The Common Gym Mistake that Could be Giving You Cystitis +more

  6. Letters to the Editor Issue 301

    Intermittent Fasting Could be Unsafe for Teenagers + Female Heart Attacks + The Warning Signs that your Body is Deficient in these Vitamins and Minerals + How to Support Employees S...more

  7. Letters to the Editor Issue 74

    Yoga Not a Threat to Christianity + To Kaisa – Life, Love and Complementary Health Care + Placebo Effect + Seeking Parkinson's Volunteers + Nick Carter DO, MBRA, FSMTO 15.10.37 – 9...more

  8. Letters to the Editor Issue 79

    Immune 26 + HRT and Risk of Gallstones + Seeking Feedback from Medical Professionals + Update + Appreciative Practitioner +  More: Fat and Weight Lossmore

  9. Letters to the Editor Issue 82

    EU Supplements Directive + To: Catherine Crawford + Make Stress our Ally + The Threat Of Neotame +  Fluoride Update + Carnitine a Drug!! + Fight to Oppose Compulsory Fluoridation<...more

  10. Letters to the Editor Issue 83

    Help Needed Radiation and Diabetes: Christmas Island Veteran + Contact Details Professor Jane Plant? + Dangers of Sunlight + Richard Hobday replies + How to Create a Healthy Livin...more

  11. Letters to the Editor Issue 95

    In Memoriam, Dr John R Lee MD (1929-2003) + John Halford: 1935-2003 + Benefits of Nutritional Supplements + Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield: BMA and BDA Fluoridation Position Outrageous...more

  12. Listening to Your Body

    Sue is a remarkable woman. She smiles knowingly, talking from her inner being, feeling the well of emotion inside, her gratitude for life. The first recall she has of leaving hospi...more

  13. Love Your Lungs The Ayurveda Way

    In Ayurveda certain parts of the body are associated with a particular element. Lungs in Ayurveda hold a memory of the air element, associated with a Vata dosha - the energy of move...more

  14. Macrobiotics and Cancer and Whole Grains with High Phytonutrient Activity - Research Compilation

    Reporting a number of interesting and informative research studies about macrobiotic diet and cancer, including experience with macrobiotics for tinnitus. Following is a compilation...more

  15. Magnesium – The Master Mineral

    Magnesium, the seventh most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust, was first recognised as an element by Joseph Black in 1755, and isolated by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808. The human b...more

  16. Massage and the Importance of Medical Input

    The author, a Massage, Craniosacral and Psychotherapist, focuses on the importance of medical input in relation to body massage. As her brother is a Medical Consultant, she is in t...more

  17. Massage Matters: Massage and Medication

    This column focuses on the use of proper medication and massage techniques on an elderly woman with a complex medical she suffers from lower back pain due to wear and...more

  18. Medical Qigong - An Innovative Treatment for Hypertension

    In this article the author maintains that hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, is the number one morbidity factor in developed countries. Allopathic (conventio...more

  19. Meditation - A Practical Approach to the Art of Relaxed Awareness

    The author, a meditation teacher, emphasizes important aspects of his role, such as reassurance and encouragement, as well as the wide knowledge he needs to impart in terms of the ...more

  20. Meditation - Antidote to Stress

    Nancy Goudie, public speaker, author, broadcaster, singer and teacher, looks at the possibility of alleviating stress through meditation.more

  21. Menopause the Natural Way

    There are few women who would turn down the chance to look and feel younger if a magic pill were offered. But is HRT really such an elixir, or could it actually shorten life? New...more

  22. Metabolic Typing: A Highly Individualized, Fine-Tuned Nutritional Guideline

    This article looks at why certain diets and nutritional guidelines work on some people and not others. It questions why some people still do not feel fit even when they eat healt...more

  23. Migraines and Headache

    The article examines the differences between migraines and headaches and states that the most common type of headache is muscular. It gives the causes for headaches as follows: p...more

  24. Mindfulness Meditation - Finding True Inner Peace

    Many of us spend our whole lives searching for happiness and inner peace. Sadly, some of us never find them. We try to acquire the things that our society tells us will make us happ...more

  25. Mirrored Healing – All About Biofeedback

    It is not as bizarre as it appears to be on the surface. The human body and the ubiquitous chip have something in common – a palpable flair for self-regulation. Your electronic gizm...more

  26. Mom has a Brain Tumour

    This article focuses on the author’s day to day experiences, mental and emotional, with her mother’s condition from the time she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. As...more

  27. Mud Therapy in Bulgaria

    The author gives a detailed account of the location and setting of the Tuzlata treatment centre and its mud spa. more

  28. My Love Affair with Joe (Cup of, that is)

    I grew up in a country where instant coffee was all the rage. We were logistically so far removed from Europe that the whole latte, cappuccino, decaf movement sailed straight pas...more

  29. Natural Approaches to Fertility

    Tanya Leung explores some self-help methods for fertility that are, in many cases, simply adopting a lifestyle that is going to nourish both mother and baby.more

  30. Natural Health Holidays in Sunny Spain

    Jan Williamson, a complementary health practitioner from Exeter in Devon, coordinates health care holidays in Southern Spain where this naturopathic approach can be taken even furt...more

  31. Natural Remedies for Early Pregnancy

    This column focuses on the safe natural remedies prescribed a pregnant woman who initially consulted the author in her eighth week, when suffering from nausea, exhaustion and on-go...more

  32. Naturopathic Hydrotherapy: The Constitutional Treatment

    This account of the principles and practice of Hydrotherapy follows a lifetime's study of Naturopathic Techniques after conventional medicine had failed to improve what David calls...more

  33. Nettle Health Benefits – the Science

    One of the most abundant weeds in the UK, the common stinging nettle is everywhere and most of us tend to avoid it due to its irritating sting. However, stinging nettles have also b...more

  34. Night Terrors and Atrial Fibrillation - Hypothesis on Cause and Possible Remedy

    Night terrors typically revolve around dreams where the sufferer experiences very realistic looking scenes about various threats e.g. a wild animal attacking them, the experience of...more

  35. Noni: Nature's Health-Enhancing Fruit

    Known as Noni in Hawaii, the plant was brought to Polynesia from the East by migrating settlers and has been used by the people of Polynesia to treat a wide variety of health disor...more

  36. Nutrition and Fertility

    This article provides detailed information about appropriate nutrition for maximising fertility, for both women and men.more

  37. Nutrition and Life-style Guidelines for People with Cancer

    The significance of nutritional and life-style guidelines for people with cancer is examined in this consensus document.more

  38. Nutritional Benefits of Whole Grain Wheat

    The author is a nutritionist, linguist and professional cook. She started experimenting with whole grain wheat about three years ago when she was helping a group of women to stor...more

  39. Obesity and the Link between Metabolic Disorders

    The weight loss industry has been booming for decades, with over $20 billion spent annually on diets and weight loss products in America alone. I distinguish between weight loss and...more

  40. Obesity and the Young: Pilates for Kids

    The author takes a look at problems associated with childhood obesity, some of which include: low self-esteem, depression, Type 2 diabetes, orthopaedic complications, etc. Sedentar...more

  41. Optimal Wellbeing: Is an Absence of Disease Enough?

    To be in a state of good wellbeing the elements of mind, body and spirit must be fully integrated, in balance and functioning optimally. With good wellbeing the individual is happ...more

  42. Optimizing Breathing Chemistry: Foundation for Healing

    This feature looks at the impact of dysfunctional breathing on our health. The author states that such breathing methods can upset the body's chemistry and lead to symptoms such as...more

  43. Pain and Inflammation

    Although pain and inflammation are important life processes – pain warns that something is wrong, and inflammation is a protective mechanism that allows healing to take place – in ...more

  44. Personalized Nutrition Changing Lives?

    New research into health trends has confirmed that intuitive and mindful eating can assist in the management of a number of chronic health conditions. The discovery, made by researc...more

  45. Personalized Nutrition Getting Easily Accessible and Simplified for Everyone

    Research conducted by Kilo Health has confirmed that mindful eating can help manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. As a result, it's clear that a personalized, ...more

  46. Physical Activity and Health

    The lack of physical activity is one of the less desirable consequences of our transport system. The dominance of the motor vehicle is not the only cause of our increasing lack of ...more

  47. Poison Pills

    We live in a perpetual healthcare hurricane, a marketing storm whipped up continuously with tidings of pharmacological breakthroughs and admonitions to submit to preventive screenin...more

  48. Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Is it a Dental Problem?

    It was interesting to come across a patient who had been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. This is a self-completed list of the symptoms that the patient presented with:more

  49. Practical Ayurveda - Sattvic Qualities for a Healthy Mind and Body

    Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medicine and 'science of life' is becoming more widely known outside of India and recognized as a truly holistic means of health care.more

  50. Preventing Coronary Heart Disease and Strokes

    Are you at risk of coronary heart disease or strokes? It is possible to minimize that risk by your own actions? In the author's experience, when people really understand what is go...more

  51. Prunella vulgaris: Self-heal - Eastern and Western Perspectives

    Self-heal is a pretty member of the Lamiaceae family which grows all over Britain and Europe in pastures, woods and clearings and is loved by beesmore

  52. Radionics, The Aura and the Development of Pimat: The Energy Regenerator

    Radionics is a method of distance healing, using specially designed instruments and the ESP factor, known as ‘the radiesthetic faculty’. As a science, it is concerned with the ‘ene...more

  53. Real Food For Real Health and How ‘Stress’ Affects Both

    Some people consider real food to be the best quality produce that can be bought from a supermarket, small food outlet / local farm, grown organically, grown in the garden or even ...more

  54. Reflexology can Help Sleep Issues

    Reflexology has always been considered to be a particularly relaxing and pleasant therapy as well as being very therapeutic in supporting specific conditions. Many reflexologists of...more

  55. Reflexology for Stroke

    Stroke is a major cause of disability and death in the UK, and this article describes the positive role that reflexology treatment can play in the recovery process. Qualified refle...more

  56. Relationship between Anxiety, Mental Health, and Quality of Sleep

    Anxiety comes in many forms, from the general worry that comes from everyday life to the intense fear caused by major psychiatric disorders. As debilitating as anxiety can be to our...more

  57. Research - the Key to Developing Good Practice


  58. Research Shines Light on Blackcurrants for their ‘Unprecedented’ Fat Burning Properties

    The ‘super’ nutritional benefits of berries are nothing new, however there’s one area of berry-specific interest that is gaining scientific momentum for it potential in athletes, t...more

  59. Reversing Diabetes - A Hypothesis!

    In this provocative article the author discusses Diabetes and adds that statistics in 2004 in the UK reveal that 1.8 million people have been diagnosed and are suffering from this ...more

  60. Road Rage, Hate and Disconnection

    The author, a psychotherapist and victim of road rage, analyses the reasons for hate in many forms, on the road, between races, religions and cultures, its variations from country ...more

  61. Royal Jelly Healing Formulation – Adaptogenic, Anti-Ageing, Immune and Energy Enhancing Properties

    Back in the early 18th century there was an Indian legend doing the rounds of Puerto Rico that a magical Fountain of Youth existed somewhere in the environs, whose curative powers w...more

  62. Salt - Its Many Therapeutic Wonders

    Although salt has been “medically long prized as a stimulant, antiseptic and much else, salt has lost out to the pharmaceutical industry, I would suggest at our peril”. Dr Amir has...more

  63. Sarah's Story of High Blood Pressure

    A diagnosis of high blood pressure should be taken seriously as it can lead to coronary heart disease, the commonest cause of death, in the western world. The specific consequenc...more

  64. Sciatic Pain Relief and Post Microdisceptomy Rehabilitation Using Pilates

    In hindsight, knowing what I know now, I should have paid attention to my core strength, correct posture for bending and lifting and keeping flexible by exercising or taking up Pila...more

  65. Science is the New Church – God Forbid

    Editor’s Note: Please note that the publishers of PH Online do not necessarily agree with all the content of the following editorial feature, but publish this as an alternative exp...more

  66. Seiki - A Form of Japanese Healing

    Seiki was founded by Akinobu Kishi in 1978. 'Sei' means space and harmony and 'Ki' is life energy and movement. Fundamentally, Seiki treats the breath (the life energy) – through t...more

  67. Self-Help Reflexology - Empowerment for Holistic Health

    Reflexology is one of the more accommodating therapies when it comes to self-help techniques.more

  68. Sense of Smell: Loss May Predict Death within Five Years

    Losing your sense of smell can be very depressing and isolating. It means missing out on many experiences most of us take for granted, such as smelling fresh flowers, perfume or the...more

  69. Sharing a Common Ground

    It's not so long ago that complementary therapy was frowned upon and each discipline at that time was working towards the common goal of establishing themselves in the health care ...more

  70. Shen Tao Acupressure

    Shen Tao holds a special place in the spectrum of therapies that go under the heading of Acupressure.more

  71. Shiatsu and Massage in Pregnancy and Childbirth

    As a therapist the author outlines how, during pregnancy she introduces the mother to breathing exercises, meditation, and visualisation to put them more in touch with their bodi...more

  72. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 160

    Cancer Care Landmark Seminar Series For all Healthcare Practitioners and Serious Students + Qigong Master Shen Chang: Harness Your Own Healing Power + New Course: Clinical Hypnosis...more

  73. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 175

    One Yoga Therapy Centre Opens in London + The NLP Conference 12th-14th November 2010 + Our Native Village Eco Resort for Holistic Health - Bangalore India + Stephen MacAllan - Natu...more

  74. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 189

    Alternative Holistic Holidays on Mt Pelion Above the Sea: Kalikalos: Something Deeper Than a Suntan! + Helios Homoeopathy 25th Anniversary + Blue Heron Health News – Reliable Natu...more

  75. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 192

    Light on Parenting Conference + The British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy - BIAET + Irene Royal Jelly Formulation for Nutritional Balance + The Ilkley Complementar...more

  76. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 194

    Alexander Technique Training and Lessons: London and Oxford + Reflexology for the 21st Century + Study Nutrition at BCNH - UK College of Nutrition and Health + Balens Continual Prof...more

  77. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 201

    MS Patient Improvement: Correction TMJ Dysfunction and Body Asymmetries + Sally Stubbs Hypno/Psychotherapist - Rapha Hypnosis Therapy + CNELM Course: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (...more

  78. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 215

    Welcome to Bloomsbury Therapy London + CMS - Client Management System for Therapists / Healthcare Workers - developed by Therapists for Therapists + Alyssa Burns-Hill PhD Discusses...more

  79. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 232

    Abundance & Health present: ‘ALTRIENT’ Supercharged Liposomal Health Supplements + EORC – IJCA – Botanica2016 + VIVAMAYR Altaussee - Sustainable Health + Clinical Homeopathy: t...more

  80. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 234

    Australian Flower Essence Workshop + Relationship Between Heart Disease and Dental Treatment + Stephen MacAllan + Active School of Complementary Therapy + Diploma in Higher Educati...more

  81. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 235

    Second International Ayurveda Congress, London 1-2 April 2017 + Energy Medicine International + The Kinesiometer for Bio-Resonance + Altrient Liposomal Alpha Lipoic Acid – The Ulti...more

  82. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 244

    The Cliffs of Moher Retreat + Behind The Seaweed Headlines + The Naked Pharmacy Is Voted The Best Natural Pharmacy + Altrient Acetyl L-Carnitine: Burns Fat, Increases Energy and Me...more

  83. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 250

    Why Creating the Right Breathing Habits can help Cure Illnesses + New Exciting Products from Rayonex Biomedical UK + Results RNA Support Neurological Health and Cellular Regenerati...more

  84. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 253

    Anger Only Creates Problems if You Fight Against It – Nevsah Karamehmet Breath Coach + Good Health Starts Here...In the Gut - Functional Nutrition Approaches to Gut Health + Hypnos...more

  85. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 256

    The Power Of Trance + Auto-Immune Diseases Don’t Exist + Bee Pollinators, Vanilla Extract – from Royal Jelly Elixir + BestCare Energy & Vitality - Uberfood™ - Truly a Superfood...more

  86. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 266

    The SunriseSunset Device: Revolutionizing Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy for the 21st Century! + The Connection Between Oral Health and Gut Issues + Prescribing Lifestyle Medic...more

  87. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 270

    ACILIS by Spritzer® - Uniquely Eco-Sustainable Silicawater + Turning Point Training – Courses in Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology + The Essence of Clinical Aromatherapy – Es...more

  88. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 301

    Complementary Health Professionals CHP Annual Conference + Handbook of Manual Medicine + The Complete Guide to Yoga Props + The Kidneys and the Kidney Meridian: A Vital Connection ...more

  89. Sleep Environment may Enhance Peak Sport Performance

    Being admittedly a total sports-junkie, I am also a total health-junkie: growing my own veggies, eating only freshly caught seafood (thanks to my husband who is an amazing fisherman...more

  90. South East Japan - A Calming Retreat in the Face of Adversity

    The author writes that despite the tragic events in Japan, which saw a trilogy of disasters wreak havoc across the north east in March 2011 - killing more than 18,000 Japanese - thi...more

  91. Spotlight On Norfolk Lavender Farm

    Lavender essential oil can be used to calm, revive and re-balance our emotions. Some of the practical uses include alleviating high blood pressure, clearing blocked sinus, healin...more

  92. Stevia is the New Ginseng

    This article focuses on the amazing properties, effects and use of the Stevia herb. The author explains why it supersedes others such as ginseng, mistletoe, Echinacea, etc, adding ...more

  93. Stress and What to Do About It

    Stress is a response experienced when a threat is encountered. A stressor is a stimulus that causes stress. Sudden and severe stress generally produces an increased heart rate, incr...more

  94. Stroke - David 19 Years of Age

    The author presents a detailed account of an extremely articulate and vibrant 19-year-old straight A student's experience as a stroke victim, both pre- and post- his attack.more

  95. Stroke Disease - Approaches to Rehabilitation

    The main killer in the UK today is heart disease, the forbearer of stroke. Stroke affects over 100,000 people each year. Its effects of stroke are numerous and include problems wit...more

  96. Tempeh - Soy's Super Food

    Tempeh is a fermented soybean product, made from cracked, cooked soybeans and inoculated with healthy bacteria, which give it a chewy, meaty consistency. The author highlights the ...more

  97. Thai Traditional Massage

    Touch is and always has been powerful medicine. It soothes, relaxes, comforts and heals. Massage is the means whereby touch is applied in diverse ways to achieve these effects. Tha...more

  98. The Beauty of Reiki

    The word 'Reiki' means universal life energy. Broken down, the first syllable 'Rei' describes the universal, boundless aspect of this energy, while 'ki' is the vital life force ene...more

  99. The Benefits of Gardening

    Staying fit doesn’t have to mean expensive gym memberships or fitness classes. Everyday activities around the home have huge physical benefits and can support mental wellbeing too.<...more

  100. The Benefits of Wild Swimming

    It is exhilarating, intoxicating, thrilling, and it will always leave you wanting more. Just a few words to describe wild swimming and its ever-increasing popularity.more

  101. The Best Nutritional Start for your Baby - Part III

    At the beginning of Part I[1] of this article series, it was mentioned that love was the greatest gift any parent could give a child and covered right feeding as one aspect of love...more

  102. The Buteyko Method and the Importance of Carbon Dioxide

    An asthma attack is the body's way of attempting to reduce the airflow passing through the lungs in order to reduce carbon dioxide loss. According to Buteyko, 150 different chronic...more

  103. The Chill Pill For Anxiety

    Anxiety is as old as the hills – a part of life too. Excess, or long-term, anxiety is a contributory factor for several disorders – nay a direct cause of illness. It, likewise, alb...more

  104. The Clear Link Between Breath Work and Immunity

    Leading experts in the field of breathing techniques and respiratory health discuss the positive impact breath work can have on immunity and overall well-being.more

  105. The Dangers of High Blood Pressure Medication

    "European doctors may have caused as many as 800,000 deaths in five years by following a guideline to use beta-blockers in non-cardiac surgery patients—a guideline based largely on ...more

  106. The Effect of Aromatherapy Treatment on Raised Arterial Blood Pressure

    Aromatherapy treatment is widely used for the purpose of relaxation and although the effects of aromatherapy massage are controversial, there is a shortage of controlled studies to...more

  107. The Fundamental Role of Autonomic Dysfunction and Lactic Acidosis in Alzheimer’s Disease

    This article discusses recent findings that amyloid-beta peptide is a consequence of acidosis, rather than the initial cause of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).more

  108. The Healing Power of Colour

    This article focuses on Chromotherapy, a form of colour therapy using colour and light to balance energy in our body to prevent or heal diseases.more

  109. The Healing Power of Far Infrared Heat (FIR)

    The author explains that both ice and heat are well-known for breaking the pain-spasm cycle.  However most heating remedies provide only superficial relief. Far Infrared Heat, on...more

  110. The Heart Of Nutrition

    As human beings developed from being hunter-gatherers to raising domestic animals and crops, nutritional values were affected, and modern agricultural production methods take thi...more

  111. The Hospital and I - Excerpt

    Between January and November 2014, I was a patient at one of the biggest and most modern hospitals in Europe, in a country whose language I did not speak.more

  112. The Importance of Good Posture in Bodywork Part III

    In this the final of a 3-part series on bodywork, the author focuses on the importance of good posture in massage and bodywork and considers the benefits and indications of carryin...more

  113. The Importance of Integrative Health Care

    As a nutritionist, June Butlin, believes that our bodies are derived from the nutrients we take from our food, helped by oxygen and water. She does not feel that the medical establ...more

  114. The Importance of Pathology for Massage Therapists

    The branch of medicine concerned with the cause, nature and origin of disease, including the changes occurring as a result of disease;more

  115. The Integrated Treatment of Cancer in Chinese Hospitals

    This article focuses on Chinese Herbal medicine and studies conducted at the Herbal Medicine Oncology Clinic in the Nanjing Hospital in China, by students of the UK-based College o...more

  116. The Life and Cancer Protecting Properties of Sunlight

    Although recent health campaigns have stressed the dangers of sunbathing and emphasized the connection between sun exposure and skin cancer, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Islamic medi...more

  117. The Massage Practitioner and the Medical Profession - Then and Now

    This article focuses on the changes over the years on massage techniques and requirements. The author says massage is no longer just a therapy of indulgence and pampering but one t...more

  118. The Medical Power of Precious Gems

    With death, our vital 'Life Force' departs and the organic body becomes overrun with bacteria whilst it decays. It is the 'Life Force' or 'Chi' energy that protects living cells fr...more

  119. The Mini-Trampoline

    Mini-trampolines, also referred to as Rebound units and bouncers, are easily accommodated in homes, and widely used in sports centres, gymnasiums, health hydros, hospital physiothe...more

  120. The Real Causes of Heart Disease - [and Statins don't help]

    Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. For decades our health authorities and the majority of the medical profession have told us that dietary saturated fat and chol...more

  121. The Right-Salt Diet

    This article gives a taste of the true value of salt which is a natural substance, like flour and sugar, and should contain all the elements from its source, the sea. But in today'...more

  122. The Risks to Health from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

    In this article the author shares her experience with heavy metal toxicity, treatments that help and how she uses her Electrosmog Detector to scan her home, and that of her clients...more

  123. Thyroid Function, Fluoride and Cholesterol - Part Two

    Fluoride and cholesterol are two of the many aspects which are linked to thyroid function, fluoride being a toxic cause of disruption, cholesterol being an indicator.more

  124. Top 5 Foods to Eat During the Menopause 


  125. Top Five Sources for Meat-Free Protein

    In this article on animal-free protein diets, the author shares the views of some of the most competitive triathletes, professional dancers, bodybuilders and extreme sport racers.....more

  126. Toxicless Diet

    I live in biological years. That is what counts. How clean are your arteries and veins? How are your blood pressures? I have blood pressures of 120 over 80. This is the blood pre...more

  127. Traditional Herbal Medicine in Bolivia, South America

    Bolivia, a country in the very heart of South America, is a country of contrasts and traditions. There are three very distinctive geographical regions, namely the High Andean plate...more

  128. Transcendental Meditation: Health Research Overview

    Transcendental Meditation (TM), as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a simple, effortless technique practised for 15-20 minutes twice daily.more

  129. Transformational Breathing A new process for health & wellbeing

    A new process for health and wellbeing by David Thorpe Transformational Breathing is a powerful self-healing process. It opens up restricted breathing patterns, clears the subconsc...more

  130. Treatment with Acumed Pain Relief Patch

    Many complementary treatments are based on the theory that the body's energy flows through channels known as meridians, and Bioelectromagnetic therapy is an increasingly popular tr...more

  131. Tulsi - Incomparable Queen Of Herbs

    The author discusses the benefits of Tulsi (basil leaves) which he says is a safe and sure cure for all our diseases. The leaves have properties similar to the currently available ...more

  132. Vitamin C - Essential for Year-Round, Whole Body Protection

    In this article, Dr Phillips Brown discusses the multiple benefits of vitamin C including its ability to strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy joints, improve vision, and ...more

  133. Wander-Full, Wonder-Filled Thinking

    The author starts enthusiastically by discussing the different passions that people have from golf and fishing to crochet and knitting. Yet, how often does one take time to think a...more

  134. Water - of Vital Importance

    About 25% of the human body is composed of solids (solute). About 75% of the human body is water (solvent). About 85% of the brain is water.more

  135. Water for Life and Optimum Health

    This article provides six helpful hints for understanding the 'extraordinary world of water' through examples and quotes from author Masaru Emoto's books on The Hidden Messages in ...more

  136. Weight Management Problems? There's an Epidemic of Undiagnosed Disease

    This column warns of the risks of being overweight, namely that of contracting diabetes. According to the author more than 2½ million people in the UK are diabetic and that a maj...more

  137. What are the Benefits of Raw Neem Honey?

    Healing Properties of Neem Everything from the neem tree is medicinal: bark, cake, extract, flowers, fruit, gum, honey, leaves (also used as tea and powder), oil (from kernels of th...more

  138. What Hormone Tests are Available and Why Women Could Need Them

    Hormones work to the ‘Goldilocks principle’ – not too much, not too little, but just right. This is why the ‘one size fits all’ standard medical approach doesn’t work for everyone, ...more

  139. What is Inflammation of the Lungs, its Causes and Treatment

    Inflammation of the lungs occurs because of lung diseases where the body tries to fight an irritant, resulting in swelling and redness of the lung tissue, shortness of breath, chest...more

  140. Yoga and Ayurveda for Headaches and Migraines

    According to Aled Francis, a Manipulative Physiotherapist from the Sydney Headache Clinic, treatment has traditionally focused on identifying certain features such as the frequen...more

  141. Yoga and Ayurveda for Reducing High Blood Pressure

    This article focuses on specific Ayurvedic and yoga remedies for high blood pressure. The author explains what causes high blood pressure, how to recognize if you have it and what ...more

  142. Yoga and Ayurveda in Daily Life are Good for Health

    Everyone aims to have positive physical and mental well being but it becomes difficult to achieve them in our stressful and fast paced lives. People are opting for yoga and Ayurveda...more

  143. Yoga and Dietary Tips for Good Liver Health

    This article focuses on the liver, an organ that plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing, and Yoga exercises aimed at strengthening sluggish livers.more

  144. Yoga for Diabetes

    In this overview, the author contrasts the eastern and western approaches to treatment of the various forms of diabetes and sets out what can be achieved using Yogic asanas or post...more

  145. Yoga for Weight Loss and Management

    In this article on Yoga for Weight Loss and Management, the author says obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, and a new survey has also found that half of the British ...more

  146. Yoga Therapy

    Yoga therapy is a holistic therapy that draws on practices that have been part of the traditional Indian health-care system for thousands of years, and is an approach that has prov...more

  147. Yoga Tips for Healthy Living

    This article touches on a few aspects within the vast texts, teachings, techniques, philosophy and disciplines of yoga. It looks into the various stages of the great sage Patanjali...more

  148. Your Healthy Heart: Herbal and Nutritional Approaches

    The author argues the case for integrated medicine as an approach to an imbalanced heart or circulatory system and the precursors such as low or high blood pressure, angina, harden...more

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